Purpose of This Lesson:
- To cast a vision for what Life Groups are, and will be in your life, during your college journey.
What is a Life Group:
- Life Group is a weekly gathering of 3 - 10 people who share community and pursue discipleship, while looking to include others along the way.
1. Take a moment to discuss this definition
Jesus Had a Life Group
Jesus had 12 disciples that he walked with daily as he lived on mission in obedience to his father. From these 12 disciples he had 3 close brothers (Peter, James, and John) whom he shared his deepest emotions with. This model not only gives us a scaffolding that helps us understand how to live life together, but it also shows us the importance of having a Life Group. The early church followed Jesus' model of life together, and small groups were implemented from the beginning into the DNA of the church (See Acts 2:42-46). Here at Chi Alpha, we follow both of these examples and we make sure that every student finds a life group that fits their personalities and friend circles. It's by living life together around tables as a small group that your entire life will be impacted for the better.
- Have people around the table share a story of how Life Group has benefited their walk as a disciple of Jesus.
What Should You Expect Each Week?
- Focused discussion about all types of things (eg theology, hard questions, funny aspects of life)
- Prayer for each other- We will pray for each other at every Life Group gathering
- A safe place to be yourself - As you grow to love each other you will let walls down because trust is built
- Confidentiality - As you live life together, you will share things that you need to trust people with.
What is Expected of You?
- That you give Life Group a chance. Don't just come once or twice.
- That you share with as much vulnerability as you can. It helps everyone relate with each other as we openly share.
- That you ask good questions in hopes to learn and grow personally.
- To think that Life Group will be your family while at college.
Some Core Values that help guide our discussion
- Honor, Respect, Unity, Prayer
Get To Know You Game Suggestion:
- What's the best story from your mom's side of the family? I dare you to text her and ask and then share with the group.